Contact: Susan Morris
AVP, Communications
(312) 436-2624
CHICAGO – July 29, 2024 — The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has released a narrative review of research regarding the development and impact of continuing certification. “A Narrative Review of the Development and Outcomes of ABMS Member Board Continuing Certification Programs, 2000-2024” was created to address requests from key stakeholders, including credentialing authorities, state and professional medical societies as well as members of the greater board certification community, for evidence that continuing certification differentiates clinical performance with respect to patient care and outcomes.
ABMS is committed to providing the public with a reliable, trusted credential that indicates a physician or medical specialist can demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and judgment essential to safe and effective practice in a medical specialty. Based on input from the physician community, ABMS Member Boards have integrated theory and evidence regarding cognitive learning and retention in creating their assessment programs, which strive to support physicians’ and medical specialists’ intrinsic desire to learn, develop, and improve as professionals. Continuing certification is an important means of elevating standards of care and preserving the privilege of professional self-regulation.
“ABMS recognizes many factors affect and influence improvements in health care,” stated ABMS President and Chief Executive Officer Richard E. Hawkins, MD. “However, a compelling and growing body of evidence indicates that participating in continuing certification programs is positively associated with physician competence and the quality of care they provide. As part of our commitment to further research, we have created this review as a ‘living’ document that can be updated to share additional studies as they emerge.”
The narrative review is posted on the ABMS website with additional resources about board certification and the ways in which ABMS serves the public and the profession.
About ABMS
Established in 1933, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is responsible for the creation of standards overseeing physician certification in the United States. Dedicated to improving the quality of care to the patients, families and communities they serve, the 24 ABMS Member Boards develop educational and professional standards and programs of assessment to certify physicians and medical specialists. More than 985,000 physicians and medical specialists are certified by one or more of the ABMS Member Boards in one or more of 40 specialties and 89 subspecialties. For more information about ABMS, visit abms.org or call (312) 436-2600.