Program Advantages for Physicians and PAs

The ABMS Portfolio Program offers a pathway to receive continuing certification credit for the quality improvement work you do every day.

  • Participate in QI work related to organizational priorities or practice areas and needs
  • Enhance communication across care teams to align, facilitate, and expedite improvements
  • Save valuable time through a convenient documentation process

Program Impact for Sponsor Organizations


engagement and practice-level innovation


interprofessional, multidisciplinary, and cross-departmental collaboration


system efficiencies and patient experience of care


professional development and promote personal well-being


relationships with other ABMS Portfolio Program Sponsors and the ABMS community

Find out how the ABMS Portfolio Program can be a catalyst for more QI engagement


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“Not only does our work impact patients in a positive way, but our providers receive the added benefit of fulfilling part of their professional requirements.”

Richard H. Wiggins, III, MD University of Utah Health Sciences

“This program is so well run and so responsive. It’s a real win for both the organization and faculty.”

Jeffrey Tabas, MD University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

“Our Portfolio Program is used as an incentive for providers who are participating in our quality improvement program. It’s an organized, common-sense format to guide someone through the process.”

Jill Heins-Nesvold, MS, MBA American Lung Association

“The Portfolio Program embraces the fact that the physician knows what is meaningful and what would help them and their patients and as well as helps them save time and qualify for credit.”

Marie Brown, MD, MACP American Medical Association

“Our projects have become more robust over the years. Now all our projects include two PDSA cycles and we cull our electronic medical records for advanced metrics to support our projects.”

Sean Powell, MD Kaiser Permanente Federation

“One of the major benefits to our faculty is that they are able to use projects that are relevant to them both to get credit and improve their practices.”

Rani Gereige, MD, MPH, FAAP Nicklaus Children’s Hospital

“The ABMS Portfolio Program has become a catalyst to engage physicians in QI work. It provides a platform for physicians to bring their ideas forward for doing meaningful QI work in their area of expertise. At the same time, many of the QI projects align with the strategic priorities of the hospital.”

Joel Tieder, MD, MPH Seattle Children's Hospital

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