The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) recognizes and commends the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for its work in creating and issuing the approved revisions to Section VI of its Common Program Requirements. ABMS endorses the new requirements as they go beyond a singular focus on clinical and educational work hours, and address other essential components necessary for training our country’s next generation of physicians, including additional emphasis on patient safety and quality improvement, professionalism, team-based care, and physician well-being.
While separate, independent organizations, ABMS and ACGME share the common goal of ensuring the appropriate training and certification of a high-quality, specialty-based physician workforce for this country’s patients. The flexibility in clinical and educational resident work hours offered in the new requirements will allow for greater specialty-specific training as well as improved continuity of care for patients. Fostering a culture of patient safety and continuous improvement in residency training will not only prepare residents for initial Board Certification, but also will provide the foundation for a lifelong commitment to quality and practice improvement throughout their professional careers.
ABMS also acknowledges the work of the ACGME Task Force in developing the revised requirements and incorporating the input received from the many professional societies, physician leaders, and residents.
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