UPDATE: Call for Comments
The 80-day American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Draft Standards for Continuing Certification Call for Comments is now closed. The Stakeholder feedback and commentary received are greatly appreciated and will guide and inform the development of the final Draft Standards for Continuing Certification for consideration by the ABMS Board of Directors in October 2021.
Continuing Board Certification: Achieving the Vision Update
In December 2020 the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) postponed the release of the Draft Standards for Continuing Certification Call for Comments due to the surge in new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. After consulting external and internal stakeholders, ABMS decided to move the opening of the Call for Comments to April 20, 2021 and will begin seeking broad and meaningful public commentary and engagement with key stakeholders, including those who are currently focused on battling COVID-19. Detailed information regarding how to share feedback will be included in the Call for Comments opening communications, which will provide sufficient time to ensure a wide range of stakeholders are able to participate in this process.
Meanwhile, the Achieving the Vision Task Forces are moving toward completion of their work. Their recommendations either are reflected in the Draft Standards for Continuing Certification or are being operationalized by ABMS and the Boards Community. For example, the Remediation Task Force, in addition to supplying the Standards Task Force with recommendations to inform the Draft Standards for Continuing Certification, has moved forward with a common set of remediation-related terminology, and has begun to identify and prioritize programs and resources to which Member Boards can direct diplomates for assistance with addressing deficit(s) prior to a change in certification status.
As part of ABMS and its Member Boards’ commitment to establishing opportunities and pathways for diplomates to address deficits and demonstrate competence prior to a loss of certification, the Remediation Task Force has issued a Call for Remediation Programs and Resources to build upon a national repository to meet the needs of diplomates across the boards community. The ABMS Continuing Certification Directory will serve as a central repository of existing programs and resources that meet the needs of diplomates across multiple specialties and practice-settings. This, coupled with the specific recommendations that have been incorporated into the Draft Standards for Continuing Certification, has been developed with a goal of offering transparent communications and opportunities for diplomates to address identified deficits prior to a change in certification status, and access pathways for regaining certification.
Future Achieving the Vision updates will continue to document the Task Forces’ progress as well as share information regarding the Draft Standards for Continuing Certification Call for Comments. Please share these communications with your colleagues and encourage them to subscribe to the Achieving the Vision updates. In addition, information about the work of the Task Forces and updates on the Member Boards’ progress is available on the Achieving the Vision web page.
Find resources and follow the progress of ABMS and its 24 Member Boards on the Achieving the Vision web page.
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